教程英文名称:Deep Compositing in NUKE
教程出自: Digital-Tutors
教程时长:1小时51分 (共13章节)
本期Nuke教程,我们学习高级合成技巧,研究不同深度图片格式的合成方法,在Nuke中渲染深度图片,研究Peregrine Lab出品的Bokeh插件来制作景深效果
In this NUKE tutorial, we’ll dive into the deep techniques and workflows artists use on major motion pictures.We’ll discuss everything from different deep image formats to working efficiently with large deep volumes. We’ll demonstrate how to render deep images inside NUKE as well as how to turn any image into a deep image. We’ll also discuss using Peregrine Lab’s Bokeh plug-in to create realistic depth of field.By the end of this NUKE training, you’ll have a solid understanding of what deep compositing is and how to start using it in your own projects.
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